Annual General Meeting (AGM) & why you should dial in

One of the earliest motto's from STONZ, was that we are a union for Junior Doctors, by Junior Doctors. 

What does that really mean? The way our union is structured means that our Executive team are ultimately responsible for the running and the success of the union. They are involved from an operational perspective with things such as approving the annual budget, providing clinical advice for difficult situations, overseeing the Support team and regularly attending local, regional and national meetings. 

They are also responsible for the overarching strategy in regards to how we respond to situations such as COVID-19, the transition to Health NZ and most importantly they take the lead when it comes to MECA negotiations. This is not something we outsource; our team are involved in the detailed preparations and are front and centre at the bargaining table during this process.

So, what does this mean for our members? As an incorporated society, we are required to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year where the executive team presents to our membership and discusses important issues relating to the running of the union.

This year our meeting will be again be held online; we have found that this is the most flexible way to ensure as many members as possible are able to participate. This year, there will also be some movement within the Executive team with Blair York moving on following completion of his training. We’ll be asking for nominations for a new executive team member in the coming months and will be providing information as to what being part of the team involves and how to apply if you’re interested. One of the important functions of our AGM will be to ‘vote’ in any new members, so your participation is encouraged.

AGM: Via ZOOM, 7.30pm, 20th July 2022


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