Meet the Delegates in your District
Northern Region

Aysha Rashid
Middlemore Hospital
Aysha is an advanced trainee in General and Acute Care Medicine and Dermatology at Auckland City Hospital. She trained at Imperial College London and worked in England for several years before moving to New Zealand. By joining the STONZ delegate team, she hopes to help improve working conditions for all doctors. She is keen to hear and represent your voice in key RMO issues.
Roy Spires
Auckland City Hospital
Hello, I'm Roy, a Radiology Registrar currently in Auckland City Hospital. I joined STONZ for its transparency, two way communication between STONZ and its members, and the continual improvement of the MECA.
Current passions include learning to code in Python (ever the struggle) and being a fake coffee expert.
If you ever see me in hospital, please come and say hi!

Bena Law
Auckland Region
Kia Ora, my name is Bena, a non-SET ORL registrar working in the Auckland region. The values of STONZ align with my own philosophies, and I wholeheartedly stand behind their solutions focused approach and transparency. I believe in fostering an environment where our members feel professionally nurtured and also personally supported.
I'm particularly interested in initiatives prioritising RMO mental health, work-life balance, and overall job satisfaction. Outside the hospital, I am working towards becoming a polyglot and attending art shows and concerts. Catch me around the hospitals or get in touch anytime, I'm all ears!

Gaby Donaldson
Middlemore Hospital
Kia ora, my name is Gabriella (Gaby) Donaldson, I grew up in Christchurch but moved up to Auckland for university and worked in Middlemore and Auckland City Hospitals during PGY1 and PGY2.
In 2024 I will be working as a non-SET General Surgical registrar at Middlemore Hospital.
Luka Kablar
Auckland Region
Kia Ora,
I’m Luka, a dual advance trainee in Gastroenterology and General Medicine. I completed medical school in Auckland, my house officer years in Gisborne, and then moved back to the Auckland region for my registrar training.
I joined STONZ as it aligned well with my values and philosophies with regarding RMOs in training. Also due to its flexibility and transparency between both members and employers.
As part of the STONZ delegate team, I hope to help advocate and support members in all regards, with a particular interest in improving RMO training and wellbeing.
Feel free to get in touch to discuss any ideas or issues, or just to simply have a chat.

Magnus Cheesman
Auckland Region
I am now a PGY10 RMO, and work as Registrar on the USANZ (Urology) training programme. For the 2025 training year, I am based in the Auckland Region.
I became a delegate to help support colleagues looking for face to face support to talk through union queries and problems with in person. I have worked in Invercargill, Dunedin, Christchurch, Nelson, Waikato and Palmerston North - so I have had my share of what it is like as an RMO with a family moving between centres both before and after selection onto training. I have served as a delegate since 2018, and am particularly passionate about helping prevocational doctors find their way onto training.
If you have a question or just want a chat, I will be happy to get you a coffee/beverage while we talk. No issue is too small for coffee.
Diana Ng
Auckland Region
I am a first-year radiology registrar in the Auckland region. I rotate through the Auckland hospitals every couple of months so am easily contactable.
I’ve been a STONZ member since graduation because I believe their values are aligned with my own and they commit to helping their members as best as possible. Having first-hand experience recently where STONZ were invaluable in supporting me through a work-based issue; now as a delegate, I aim to be a point of contact for other RMOs so that they can also access the support they need.
As a huge advocate of fair working and training conditions to maintaining a work-life balance; when I’m not at work, you can find me travelling, crafting, and eating out.

Abhinav Swarup
Northern Region
My name is Abhi and I am currently an Anaesthesia trainee in the Northern Regional training program. I grew up in Tamaki Makaurau before moving to Dunedin and Wellington for medical school followed by working in the Hawkes Bay and then moving back home to Auckland.
I am passionate about the wellbeing of doctors and understand the many demands both within and outside the workplace, hence why I joined STONZ to advocate for RMO's and improve our wellbeing.
If you see me around the hospital feel free to say hello, I'm always keen to discuss ideas/issues or have a chat.
Ali Sarfarazi
Middlemore Hospital
Hi, I’m Ali, a non-SET plastics registrar working in the Counties Manukau district.
I joined STONZ many years ago to be able to support my colleagues in ensuring a safe and supportive work environment. STONZ values around establishing a safe working environment, while balancing training requirements and maintaining a high level of patient care has always aligned with my own personal work values. Becoming a STONZ delegate meant I am able to disseminate these values and help others navigate contractual rights.
Central North Island

Thomas Hoffman
Rotorua Hospital
Hi I’m Tom, a SET1 Orthopaedic Registrar at Rotorua Hospital. I grew up in Wellington and was at Waikato Hospital prior to moving down to Rotorua this year.
I joined STONZ because I believe in their philosophy of working collaboratively with Te Whata Ora to improve outcomes for patients, and the working environment for doctors.

Keelan Eades
Gisborne Hospital
I'm currently working as a PGY2 in Gisborne Hospital, and will continue to be based there in 2025 as a non-training ED registrar with the goal of dual training in intensive care and anaesthesia.
My career interests include quality & improvement, education, and RMO support. I joined STONZ because I feel that I share their values and support their strategies in improving RMO working conditions.
I also hope to serve as a strong advocate for those working in regional centres which are often disproportionately affected by health system and employment changes.
Lower North Island
Garry Yan
Palmerston North Hospital
I'm Garry and I am a non training surgical registrar with aspirations to get onto the ANZCA anaesthesia training program. I joined STONZ as I like the transparency, the focus on training/career development, and the focus on the important issues that affect junior doctors well-being.
I became a delegate as I believe in the advocacy of a safe clinical working environment, along with the maintenance of a constructive and collegial working relationship with the RMO Unit.
Anika Radojkovich
Hutt Valley Hospital
I'm a non-SET surgical registrar who has dabbled in plastics, general surgery and orthopaedics. I spent my early years as a doctor in the Auckland region and have recently moved to Hutt Valley.
I joined STONZ because I believe their work is key in protecting and improving conditions for doctors. I am passionate about creating a safe working environment while still enabling us to get the most out of our time and training - which ultimately gives our patients the best result. If you have any questions or want to know more about STONZ, get in touch!

Tanushk Martyn
Capital & Coast District
I am currently a Non-SET Orthopaedic Registrar at Capital & Coast District. I graduated from the University of Auckland medical school and I have worked in the Bay of Plenty, Waikato & Lakes.
I was interested in becoming a delegate after learning that many of my junior colleagues were not aware of the basic rights that are afforded them under our current collective agreement. I want to play a part in supporting my colleagues to know where they stand, so that they feel empowered to not only stick up for themselves but also for their colleagues. I have also recently published research, in conjunction with STONZ regarding doctor burnout and feel this an important issue which still requires ongoing discussion.
Sloane Chan
Wairarapa Hospital
My name is Sloane and I'm currently a basic trainee in Adult General Medicine.
We are at the most critical moment of healthcare system in our history. We, RMOs, are a vital part of our system. It is the time when partnership is much needed - to engage in conversations rationally so that we can strive for the best of our employee rights and workplace protection, but also the betterment of our hospitals. Having been both a surgical and medical registrar in the past, I have come a long way, and STONZ's values and approach to issues are well-aligned with my personal beliefs. This is why I decided to step up to be a delegate, hoping to contribute for the best of both my colleagues and our workplace.
Alongside medicine, I also have a special interest in law - particularly in medicolegal and administrative law.
James Lewis
Capital & Coast
I am an Ophthalmology non-Training Registrar currently based in Wellington for the 2024-2025 training year.
I gained my MBChB from the University of Auckland where I previously completed a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance.
I joined STONZ because I am keen to work as an advocate for Junior Doctors, ensuring that Te Whatu Ora provides a safe working environment which is compliant with the SECA.
My current interests include learning the Cello and rock climbing. I look forward to meeting you!

Ravi Ram
Hutt Valley Hospital
I am currently a non-trainee Orthopaedic registrar at Hutt Valley for 2022, previously at Wellington, Tauranga, Waikato and Christchurch.
I joined STONZ as I believe their philosophies promote a safe working environment for junior doctors to progress through training, managing fatigue and safe rostering.

Dan Scott
Wellington Hospital
My name is Dan, and I’m an ophthalmology trainee based in Wellington. I joined STONZ because of its strong focus on prioritising training and career development. There are lots of challenges with medical training, and I’m passionate about streamlining the journey. My goal is to ensure that, at every step of the journey, our work environment fosters support, enjoyment, and growth.
I’m keen to contribute fresh ideas and actively support my colleagues.
Please feel free to reach out anytime —I'm always happy to help.

Edward Palmer
Wellington Region
Edward Palmer is an RACP Advanced Trainee based in the Wellington Region.
He supports the values of STONZ, and the union has supported him through his training well.
He is happy to be contacted about any issues, and has a particular interest in supporting fellow physician trainees.
Arna Long
Wellington Hospital
I am a SET-1 General Surgery Trainee at Wellington Hospital. We are so lucky to have such a great union behind us throughout our RMO years. Sing out with any questions to make sure you're well informed and utilising our SECA to its full potential.
I am a huge advocate for maintaining a good "work-life balance", so outside of the hospital you will find me enjoying the sunshine and keeping fit and active.

Rohan Sejpal
Wellington Region
Hi, I’m Rohan and I am currently working as a non-training Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Registrar based in Wellington in 2025.
I grew up in Wellington and have previously worked as a dental house officer in the Hutt Valley for 2 years, before heading north to Auckland as a non-training OMFS registrar in 2023.
I joined STONZ as the union’s philosophies align with my own, and I hope to contribute to the ongoing improvements in RMO working conditions and wellbeing.
My aim as a delegate is to primarily represent and advocate for the dentally-trained RMOs as well as those working in OMFS roles around the country.

Andrew Muller
Wellington Hospital
I am a Phase 1 Radiology Registrar working at Wellington Hospital. I also have a background in Orthopaedics, Emergency Medicine, Urgent Care and teaching at the University of Auckland. I have experience working in both urban and rural centers throughout New Zealand and Australia. I therefore have a broad perspective on the challenges RMOs face.
I enrolled as a STONZ delegate in order to provide advocacy to other RMOs in their training journeys and ensure they are aware of their rights as laid out in the SECA.

Theo Clearwater
Wellington Hospital
Theo is a dual trainee in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. He attained his MBChB from the University of Auckland, where he also completed his Bachelor of Music prior.
Theo is a passionate advocate for both improved training and wellbeing for everyone including medical students and nurses. He is always keen to talk about issues and ideas over a drink.
He is currently an ICU registrar at Wellington Hospital.
Upper South Island
Kodi Fearnley-Fitzgerald
Nelson Hospital
Kia Ora! My name is Kodi and I am a current PGY1 based in my home town and in my (biased) opinion the best city in Aotearoa - Whakatū (Nelson)!
I strongly align with the core foundation and values of STONZ - a union that centres around individualised advocacy and support to help RMOs reach their future career goals and aspirations. We are part of a workforce that dedicates many years to train and countless days/nights/weekend to care for our patients and I’m really passionate in ensuring that we are supported and valued for the work we do. I joined the STONZ delegate team last year as the TI delegate and have continued in the role as a PGY1 to continue to support and advocate for junior doctors as part of the wider delegate team.
I am always free to chat and if you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Michael Sunderland
Christchurch Hospital
I’m a Registrar based in Christchurch, I grew up in Invercargill and prior to becoming a doctor I had a stint as a squash player and started to study law when I went to university (ugh!). My wife is a surgical registrar.
I joined STONZ because of transparency. There is a real attitude of getting stuck in and working for the greater good of patients, while concurrently undertaking research to continue to foster safer rosters – working WITH our district health boards.

Jonty Morreau
Christchurch Hospital
Kia Ora Team,
My name is Jonty Morreau and I'm a non-training Surgical Registrar in Christchurch Hospital.
I'm passionate about efficient medical training, resource allocation and ensuring that everyone gets a fair go. STONZ's advocacy for a safe and supportive work environment for healthcare professionals resonates deeply with me. As a delegate, I'm eager to contribute to a community that supports healthcare professionals in navigating their rights and responsibilities.

Jamie Mckenzie
TI Delegate - Christchurch Hospital
I am currently a training intern at the University of Otago, Christchurch Hospital campus. Previously I have completed a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and worked at Waikato Hospital in the Oral and Maxillofacial department. My aim as a STONZ delegate is to provide a point of contact and advocate for training interns, RMO's, dentists and the Oral and Maxillofacial Specialty. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns.

Caroline Clifford
Christchurch Hospital
I am a non-SET urology registrar, originally from Ireland, and currently working in Christchurch Hospital. I will be working in ICU for the second half of the year.
My focus as a STONZ delegate is to advocate for and support my colleagues' wellbeing in any way I can. I am always happy to be contacted, even just for a chat and a cuppa!
Lower South Island

Michael Ridgen
Dunedin Hospital
Kia Ora, I’m Mike! I’m a PGY3 House Officer working in Dunedin as an Anaesthetics SHO, having previously worked in Timaru as a junior.
I became a STONZ rep to help communicate the needs of the hard-working RMO’s. We work in a busy, evolving healthcare system so I value STONZ in that they push hard for changes through their SECA in order to create safer working conditions in a system that has historically been afraid of change.
Feel free to send me a message if you need any help or advice!
Jibi Kunnethedam
Dunedin Hospital
Kia ora, I’m Jibi and I’m currently a Psychiatry Registrar at Dunedin Hospital in stage 2 of training.
I grew up in Oamaru (North Otago) before heading to Auckland for med school.
After graduation, I returned to the mainland and have worked in both Dunedin and Christchurch as an RMO.
I joined the STONZ team as a delegate to contribute and advocate for us all.
I think RMOs from all specialties provide an incredibly valuable contribution to our health system and that we should be appropriately valued too.
Having a chat is pretty much my speciality now so feel free to hit me up!

Brad Atkinson
Southland Hospital
Brad is an orthopaedic registrar based in Southland Hospital who loves to spend his spare time outdoors; hunting, tramping and skiing.
Brad joined STONZ as a Trainee Intern because their work-ethic and approach to career development aligned well with his own values. After receiving significant support from STONZ early in his career, Brad opted to become a STONZ delegate and has since stepped into the role of the STONZ Delegate Representative.
If you find yourself facing any contract issues in the Southland Region or have any questions, come have a chat!
If you’re interested in joining the delegate team complete an application form HERE
Office Hours
Our normal office hours are 9am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
If we don't answer straight away please leave a message and we will return your call ASAP.
Contact us
Please get in touch with any questions you may have. We would love to hear from you.
P: 03 745 9258
PO Box 22656, Christchurch 8140