STONZ is a union representing and advocating for all junior doctors
We were formed by a group of surgical trainees, but very quickly started to gain momentum and attract junior doctors from other specialties, also looking for an alternative.
It is our mission to build a collaborative community where all RMOs are given the opportunity to complete their training without boundaries or limitation.
When STONZ was first established, the team wanted to ensure that the RMO voice was central to how the union functioned.
What does that really mean? The way our union is structured means that RMOs truly remain at the core of our Union and our Executive team are ultimately responsible for the running and the success of the union.
That’s why our executive team are all practicing doctors. Working with you and who are also involved in the day to day running of STONZ alongside our Support team, and who are ultimately responsible for the overall management and for setting the strategic direction of our union.

Our aim is to negotiate a collective agreement that offers the best possible benefits to support your training, your career and your working conditions.
We are here to advocate for our members and support you with guidance and advice about work-related issues. We also work Locally, Regionally and Nationally to advocate and progress issues that are important to our membership. We work with key stakeholders such as the Council of Trade Unions, Manatū Hauora, the NZ Government and relevant Ministers as well as Te Whatu Ora.

Core to STONZ values, is that we are a union for Junior Doctors, truly run by Junior Doctors.
Our team are involved from an operational perspective such as approving budgets, providing clinical advice, and regularly attend local, regional and national meetings. They are also responsible for the overarching strategy and direction of STONZ as well as taking the lead when it comes to Collective Agreement negotiations. This is not something we outsource, our team are involved in the detailed preparations and are front and centre at the bargaining table during this process.

We are a non-for-profit incorporated society and STONZ was established with the sole aim of supporting Junior Doctors and advocating to improve working conditions for all RMOs.
In order to do this, we have a simple governance structure and our aim is to ensure that our executive team positions are always filled by current working doctors. To recognise the additional workload that comes with being on the executive, we pay a small salary of $15,000 gross pa to our senior executive and $5,000 gross p.a., to our Junior executive. We also directly employ our support team so we can maintain overall control and leadership. Our aim is to build a business where we attract and retain good people so we can best support our members now and in the future.
STONZ has auditors which complete an annual review and assurance of STONZ operations and finances to ensure that we are operating responsibly and are being open and transparent with our members. The annual independent review is an ongoing annual processes, and any recommendations are shared at our AGM each year.

Who we are
STONZ is a not for profit organisation lead by Junior Doctors.
EXECUTIVE – Our Executive team is compromised of doctors who are passionate about building a strong and representative community voice.
SUPPORT TEAM – Our support team are the ones who keep the wheels moving and who keep the daily operations of our organisation ticking over. The support team are your first point of contact for any help and advice you need.
DELEGATES – We have delegates in nearly all of New Zealand hospitals. Our union representatives located within your Hospital are here to offer advice and support so don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d also love to hear from anyone who is interested in becoming a delegate.
What we stand for
We advocate inclusion so that all junior doctors have an opportunity and a voice when it comes to shaping our collective agreement.
We promote collaboration working closely with all parties with the aim to create outcomes and solutions that benefit and work for everyone.
We put training at the heart of our collective agreement to ensure that all junior doctors have the opportunity to develop their skills without compromise or limitation.
We strive to be progressive by looking at the long-term consequences and impact of every recommendation and decision that we make.
Office Hours
Our normal office hours are 9am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
If we don't answer straight away please leave a message and we will return your call ASAP.
Contact us
Please get in touch with any questions you may have. We would love to hear from you.
E: support@stonz.co.nz
P: 03 745 9258
PO Box 22656, Christchurch 8140