Run Reviews & Admin Time

Our team regularly supports members and DHBs with Run Reviews, and there are many planned for 2022. One of the challenges is that it is difficult to get completed timesheets from RMOs. A reminder that Run Reviews processes will go ahead regardless of how many RMOs participate so it is really important that if you are asked to fill out timesheets that you do. Whilst we absolutely appreciate that it’s an extra task that you really don’t need, by not participating you risk having an outcome that isn’t an accurate reflection of how you work and how many hours you work.

And a reminder that it’s not just DHBs who can initiate a Run Review – RMOs are able to do this as well!

An important reminder that our new MECA clause 4.8 states, that the parties acknowledge the importance from a service quality and from an audit/risk perspective for Registrars to have sufficient time in their working week to complete administrative work associated with their clinical duties and service development.

We suspect that there are many rosters and run descriptions where these hours are not accounted for. Please take time to review your roster and run descriptions to ensure that this time is noted as it could impact what you should be paid.

If you feel your category does not reflect your hours, or admin time is not accounted for, we recommend talking to your colleagues and then your RMO Unit and the STONZ support team.


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