Negotiations Update

Mid-term Variation, full term Negotiations and Member Survey coming soon. It’s another big year ahead!

As you will be aware, STONZ is heading into contract negotiations again later this year.

We last updated our contract in 2021 and whilst 2-years is a long time on paper, it certainly comes up quickly! So, once again to help with preparations STONZ is conducting another membership survey to gather information from members that will inform upcoming negotiations.

The results of the survey will help us to better understand what you see as the big issues (and some of the smaller ones) and confirm priorities. Your responses will help guide us as we advocate for improvements to working conditions, remuneration and other benefits.

The survey will be sent to all members via email, and we encourage everyone to take the time to complete. Your participation is essential to ensure your voice is heard and you are able to provide your valuable feedback in the lead up to our negotiations beginning in September this year.

You should receive a link to this survey next week so please keep an eye on your emails!


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